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My colleagues and friends know me as an author of more than 15 books and publisher and editor of dozens of books, magazines, and products for the entire family. But I am also a mother, grandmother, and most of all—I love to make things! I love to develop new recipes, craft for each season, and decorate for each holiday. On this website we give you just a sampling of the kinds of things we do and some of the pages from some of our books and magazines. I author many of my books, but we also ghost write my own books but we also write books for other companies like Gooseberry Patch and Better Homes & Gardens books. Think of us if you need a book done from start to finish.
Read About Carol Field Dahlstrom
Every day is a creative celebration! I want you to join me in celebrating each day, each season, and any reason to share your talents with your family and friends! Being creative and learning new things is what we love to do and we can't wait for you to join us! Pretty soon you'll be saying "I can do that!" We will update you often on the things that we are working on. Right now we are working on a book about holidays for one of our clients, Gooseberry Patch. What a great book it will be. And I just ordered seeds to start some seed planting for my garden...spring WILL come I am sure!
Come along for the a part of our group...and see
What Is Carol Making?
Check Out Carol's Books
Look for our upcoming Quarantine Cookbook coming soon!
So many of our friends are cooking at home during this stay-at-home time. We are here to help. We are developing a cookbook that you can print out and use to make some delicious meals for your family. Keep watching! We are working on it now!

Right now I am loving the idea that spring is almost here! (Well, almost!) I am having so much fun making Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies. I am putting them in little decorated paper cups and giving to my GF friends for a little spring gift!
Celebrate every season with projects and recipes you make yourself!
How exciting to welcome spring with new ideas for cooking, crafting, DIY projects and more! Our site is always changing as the seasons change. You'll find cozy soup recipes for winter and fresh salad and grilling ideas for spring. You'll find cards to color, cookies to bake, and DIY projects for the entire family! So come along with me (and my super creative team) and start "making things" with your friends and family! Visit us often to see.....What is Carol Making?
Here is just a sample of some of the recipes and projects you'll love to make!
How exciting to welcome spring with new ideas for cooking, crafting, DIY projects and more! Our site is always changing as the seasons change. You'll find cozy soup recipes for winter and fresh salad and grilling ideas for spring. You'll find cards to color, cookies to bake, and DIY projects for the entire family! So come along with me (and my super creative team) and start "making things" with your friends and family! Visit us often to see.....What is Carol Making?
Here is just a sample of some of the recipes and projects you'll love to make!
Quote of the Week:
In the end, it's the little things that matter; they add up to the priceless, thrilling magic found only in a friend.
Elizabeth Dunphy
In the end, it's the little things that matter; they add up to the priceless, thrilling magic found only in a friend.
Elizabeth Dunphy
What they are saying...
I love being able to download a Recipe Sheet so I can refer to that recipe as it lays on my counter. I have downloaded lots of Carol's recipes and they have all been amazing! I keep them in a special binder.
Tiffany Chandler
I love being able to download a Recipe Sheet so I can refer to that recipe as it lays on my counter. I have downloaded lots of Carol's recipes and they have all been amazing! I keep them in a special binder.
Tiffany Chandler
I use the Project Sheets when I am in charge of an activity at our Girl Scout meetings. It works great to have a copy for each girl!
Elizabeth Naylor